Dividing Fractions

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Lesson Objective
In this lesson, we will use some examples to explain the basics behind dividing fractions.
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About This Lesson
It is quite easy to divide fractions after we learned how to multiply fractions. This is because dividing fractions is closely related to multiplying fractions. 

This relation lies in the step needed to convert the division to multiplication. The picture on the right will give you a rough idea on this. 

The study tips and math video below will explain more.
convert fraction division to fraction multiplication

Study Tips

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Tip #1 - Reciprocal of a fraction 
We need to know how to find the reciprocal of a fraction before we can proceed. The example below shows how:
  1. Find the reciprocal of the following fraction:

    find the reciprocal of 3/4
  2. To do so, we simply swap the numerator and denominator:

    swap 3 and 4
  3. Hence, the reciprocal of 3/4 is:

    reciprocal of 3/4 is 4/3
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Tip #2 - Dividing Fractions
The following example shows the steps required to divide fractions:
divide the fractions, 5/7 with 3/4
  1. First, we change the division to multiplication. Then, we change the divisor 3/4, to its reciprocal, 4/3.

    changing to multiplication
  2. After doing so, we can continue by multiplying these fractions:

    multiply the fractions

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Practice Questions & More

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Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
Now, let's try some MCQ questions to understand this lesson better.

You can start by going through the series of questions on Dividing Fractions or pick your choice of question below.
  1. Question 1 on the basics